Response to Negative Book Review: Don C. Mason

Stories and adventures about my experience investing in mobile homes.

Response to Negative Book Review: Don C. Mason

As an author, I receive negative book reviews form time to time. And, I have no problem with them. As long as they offer constructive criticism. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

Recently, I received a negative book review from a Don C. Mason. Here is the review:

Before I go into my response, I want to publicly thank Don C. Mason for purchasing my book. With that being said, here is a little background information about the situation:

Over a month ago, Mr. Mason contacted me personally via email with the following message:

Here is my response:

(Note: As a professional, I have blurred out any personal contact information.)

Back to the book review:

By Don C. Mason:

“You have to be kidding…..Did she pay you to write these other reviews…..Book is nothing about how to invest, Only her stories of losing, failing and then investing. Not worth the money. A wan to be guru trying to sell info. that is not helpful……..”

In response to Mr. Mason’s review, I want to publicly state I have NEVER paid anyone to write a review. As I see it, this is a libelous accusation unless Don C. Mason can prove otherwise.

If you, Mr. Mason, have any proof whatsoever that I have paid someone to write a review on my book, I welcome you to bring the evidence forward. If not, I ask that you refrain from making libelous and slanderous type statements.

As for the rest of the review, Mr. Mason, I am sorry you did not find what you were looking for. Though, I will say there is nothing misleading about the title of the book or the book description as to its content.

To refresh your memory and for the purposes of my readers and subscribers here, let me review it:

Adventures in Mobile Homes: How I Got Started in Mobile Home Investing and How You Can Too!

Mobile home investing–are you interested in getting started?

Let’s face it. There are countless books and courses on real estate investing. The majority of these materials focus on teaching you the mechanics of their particular niche and why that niche would benefit you.

But how exactly do you get started?

This book outlines step by step what Rachel Hernandez, aka Mobile Home Gurl, did to get started in mobile home investing. Here she takes you on her personal real estate investing journey and shares with you stories and adventures based on her own experiences–the obstacles, the struggles and eventually the triumphs.

Rachel Hernandez spent several years as a landlord before taking the leap to specializing in mobile home investing. Rachel is the creator of Adventures in Mobile Homes (, a blog dedicated to sharing her stories and adventures investing in mobile homes. Rachel Hernandez has one investing strategy: K.I.S.–Keep It Simple.

As I read your review, Mr. Mason, it seems to fit the description when you say “Only her stories of losing, failing and then investing.”

In the future, I urge you to READ the book description and the table of contents BEFORE you make a purchase. This will ensure you are receiving the information you are seeking.

(Note: My book page has a “Look Inside” feature where you can preview the table of contents and some content from the book.)

On an end note, Mr. Mason, I wish you the very best in your endeavors. Thank you for taking the time to purchase and read my book.

For everyone else out there, thank you for taking the time to read this blog post. As an author, I felt the need to respond publicly and share my side of the story with you.

Receiving negative reviews is a given and goes with the territory of being an author. Though, receiving negative reviews that make libelous and slanderous statements are uncalled for which is the reason I decided to issue a public response.

For anyone out there who has read my book and enjoyed it, I urge you to leave your thoughts on it via an Amazon review. This way, future readers can see how the book has helped others and continues to do so day in and day out.

Thank you for all for taking the time to read this blog post. I look forward to writing more books by sharing my stories and adventures in mobile home investing to help you get results.

Happy investing!

(Disclosure: Some posts may contain affiliate links.)

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