“You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want!”
-Zig Ziglar
With the holiday season approaching, I made my rounds this week with the park managers/owners of my favorite parks (aka the parks I like to work in) distributing goodies and gifts.
My holiday cheer was very much welcomed and appreciated by all. It really brought a smile and put everyone in a good mood. We chatted and talked about plans for the holidays, shopping and the like. It was nice. People really appreciate when I take the time to visit and catch up with them – they feel appreciated.
And guess, what? Since I took the time to care and appreciate these very valuable people in my network, they expressed their gratitude and desire to work with me more in the future. I have been labeled as their favorite person to work with 🙂
The secret of my success has been directly a result of my network and the relationships I have built. So many people think in terms of money and themselves – what’s in it for them? This is why the term “investor” gets a bad name. It’s true – most investors are really out there for themselves, greedy and even worse – dishonest. Though, these people never last – it is short term.
Since I am here for the long haul, I make sure my relationships are built with integrity and trust. I am not in it for the overnight success like most people are. I have made a commitment to make this a long term business – I intend to keep it that way.
Speaking of commitment, I’m not going to sugarcoat it – this business takes work. Success does not happen overnight. I have had to put in the hours required to make this business work. Many people I know do not see the benefits – they think I work too hard.
I’ll be honest – I’ve had to give up some things for this business including having a social life. It’s true. Some of my friends think I need to be more social and do things normal people my age are doing such as going to events and parties. I guess it just boils down to priorities.
For me, it’s not a priority to go out and meet people on a social level. I have a business to run and this takes priority over social events. I do try to make time to be social once in a while. I admit, sometimes it is difficult to interact with others who do not understand. Ah, the life of an entrepreneur!
I respect people’s opinions. I think everyone has their own path in life. My path just so happens to be more different than others.