Stories and adventures about my experience investing in mobile homes.
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford Faith plays an important role in being successful. Time and time again, I hear a lot of people who tell me what they want but are afraid to take action because they lack the confidence. Fear of failure is something we…
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Just recently, I had to make an executive decision on the issue of possession. As real estate investors, we all have heard the age old rule never to make a purchase without getting possession first. However, there are times when sometimes we have to bend the rules a bit and make things work because we…
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When I’m not working, I like to watch movies – a lot of movies. There are certain themes that can be found in a lot of movies which seem to work well with larger audiences. One of those themes is rooting for the underdog. We’ve all heard of the movie “Rocky.” He fights, he loses,…
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So, I made a few offers this weekend. It’s funny as I didn’t even think these sellers would even consider my offer. Know what I learned? Most times, the most important thing is not always price but TRUST. People want to work with people they like and know they can TRUST. With my knowledge that…
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Well, I’ve gotta say. This business is all about surprises. So, I’ve been focusing my efforts on what I do best – networking. The leads are getting better as I pass on leads I can’t work. Today, I got a lead from a dealer after I gave him a lead on a family needing to…
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Let me tell you – This business is very PEOPLE intensive. So, I’ve been doing a lot of networking with park managers, movers, dealers, park owners, etc. Put a few more signs out last week. Got an ad in the paper. My phone is ringing like gangbusters at all hours of the day. Here’s the…
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Well, I finally decided to get on the bandwagon and share my mobile home adventures via the WWW. Today, I went to see yet another mobile home. (I’ve seen over 100 already!) The inside needed a little bit of work. Problem was the electric and water was shut off so I couldn’t test it out.…
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