Happy New Year!
Well, it’s been awhile since I’ve written. Happy New Year!
Visiting Family
Recently, I took the holidays off to go visit family. This time a road trip with the dog!
(Note: Road trips let you see the landscape once you’re out of the city. You miss so much flying on airplanes!)
Spending time with family gave me a chance to reflect more on life. And what it’s all about.
My Childhood and Growing Up
When I was little, my family put so much emphasis on money and things. It was all about making more money. And having a lot of stuff.
As I grow older, I see how this type of mentality and way of thinking can be detrimental. And can affect you later on in life.
(Can you say over leveraged?)
Going back to where I grew up, I was reminded of why I left in the first place. To get away from that way of thinking. To get away from people who think the same way. And it changed my life.
I’m not saying there’s a right or wrong answer of how you should live your life. But you should live it according to what’s important to you. On your own terms. Not someone else’s.
For my family and where I grew up, money was the answer to everyone’s problems. And they had the stuff to show for.
But things do not make for a happy life. Or a happy childhood.
In the end, it catches up. And I realize that now.
Know What Is Important
To me, it’s not about stuff. It’s not about money. And it’s not about living on someone else’s terms. It’s about living on mine.
And that is why I started investing in real estate in the first place. To live the way I want to live so I can do the things I want to do, not have to do.
Going back gave me the chance to reflect on life and where I want to go. And I can happily say, I’m headed in the right direction.
Going Forward
OK, enough about my rant. So what else is new?
Remember the new book I mentioned?
(Note: If you’re not on my mailing list, be sure to sign up and get my FREE book for the latest news and updates. Thanks for reading!)
Well, I’ve been working on the first draft. Got a few more drafts to go through before it’s ready. It’ll be the next book in my Real Estate Investing Sucks series.
(Note: Just in case you missed it, here’s an interview where I talk more about the series. Thanks for tuning in!)
Almost done with one of my fix ups. Then onto the next one! And the next one after that…
(Note: Once you acquire a certain amount of inventory, you’ll have to deal with constantly maintaining them should people move out. Happens all the time!)
Mobile Home Business For 2018
Recently, I’ve received inquiries from several folks interested in getting started in this business for the new year.
Some have expressed enthusiasm while others have been turned off by the amount of real estate investors in their market. This is especially true for those wanting to purchase mobile home parks.
All I can say is that there are deals in any market. As long as you have a strong network of eyes and ears.
(Note: Those who are local and have done business in the area for awhile have the advantage over those who are not.)
Some investors look outside their area which can lead to a whole new set of problems. Investing remotely has it’s own issues.
Getting to know the market and building your network takes time. But it helps to set yourself apart from the competition. And that is priceless.
As for me, it’s been constant maintenance. One of the reasons I wrote this book.
After a certain number of units, it becomes more about management than anything else.
But this year, I’m planning to change up the game. And purchase some land.
Don’t get me wrong. The mobile home investing business inside parks has been good to me. And quite profitable.
But the time has come to have more control over my investments. And land is one way to do it.
Here’s to 2018. Stay tuned!