Learning 101: Black Wall Street Massacre

In light of the recent George Floyd incident which involved death by police brutality and racial injustice, I’d like to take a moment to remember history. This moment in time is something that is not taught in books. And something I had never heard of before growing up as a kid…until now.
Unfortunately, it took an incident like this and the protests going on across the country and the rest of the world for me to open my eyes and realize this type of racism still exists…even today.
To be honest, I grew up very sheltered (in the suburbs) and had never experienced this type of attitude in my life. It’s very foreign to me yet something I am trying to understand now.
I feel this is something I need to bring up because we need to be aware and open to what is going on in our own country and in the world every day. Black. Lives. Matter. All. Lives. Matter. And we cannot continue to ignore the problems we have as a society.
Because they are there. And nothing will change unless we take the steps to change things. And educate ourselves.
Black Wall Street Massacre
So this is why I’d like to share with you this moment in history: The Black Wall Street Massacre:
Where the Problem Lies
History is repeating itself. Unfortunately, it is the system we must change. It is not only what we see but what we don’t see where there are problems.
The problem does not only occur with the people at the bottom. But with the people at the top. Those who give orders and allow these types of incidents to continue.
Those who defend this and condone this type of behavior. Those who judge this type of behavior. Who let people who do these acts go free. And let it continue. As if nothing done was wrong.
Sure, there are good people in the system. But there are far more “bad apples” than good ones. Those who are good are in the minority. They fear for their life. They remain silent. And the status quo continues.
This is where the problem lies. And it’s not going to be easy to fight the injustice. The corruption. And the status quo. Because it runs deep. Within our very own justice system itself.
But we have to try. For the sake of our families. For the sake of our kids. For the sake of mankind…as a generation to continue living on.
People are dying and risking their lives to change that which is wrong. We need to do our part.
What We Can Do
I urge you to open up your mind and have these conversations. Educate yourself. Talk to people. And do your part to fight racial injustice.
If you need some ideas, here’s an article about things we can do to fight this type of injustice. Because it’s there. And it won’t go away. Unless everyone does their part.
I just had to get this off my chest and write about it. Because there’s not one day that goes by now where I see things that are wrong. It’s hard to cover things up now with technology. The video footage is there. It’s real.
Police Brutality Video Footage
Those who have authority have overstepped their power. And it’s costing lives. This cannot continue to happen. And we need to do something about it.
Hope From the National Guard
Margaret Atwood’s Solution
As one of my favorite authors, Margaret Atwood, puts it:

Feel free to share your thoughts here or reach out and contact me. Hope you and your loved ones are doing OK in spite of everything that is going on across the country and around the world.
Stay safe!