Movie Pick: 8 Mile
“Every moment is a chance to turn it around.”
– 8 Mile
Since it’s Friday, I thought I’d share with everyone another movie pick as it relates to my last post –“8 Mile.”
What I really enjoy about this film is that it focuses on the small successes, not the large ones. It is the small successes that are the most important – they are the building blocks for the larger ones.
So many times I’ve written here about my most important deal – my first deal. The reason why I consider it my most important deal is that it truly separated me from being on the sidelines from being in the game.
With the success of my first deal, I was in the game. And, once you’re in the game, then and only then can you truly be a player.
If you’re in the mood for an inspirational type film, I definitely recommend this one.
(Note: For those who enjoy books and a good read, check out my pal Shae at Good Faith Investing for her latest book review – she has a passion for reviewing books as I have for movies – thanks for reading!)
Happy investing!
p.s. Feel free to leave comments on any post either here and/or my Facebook Page. Comments are always welcome, thanks for reading!