(News) State of Mobile Home Parks: Affordable Housing

Stories and adventures about my experience investing in mobile homes.

(News) State of Mobile Home Parks: Affordable Housing

(News) State of Mobile Home Parks: Affordable Housing

So I just posted a write up on the state of mobile home parks and affordable housing. Here I talk about where I see the future of the industry going and why.

In my latest write up, I share an investigative report done on the subject of affordable housing and what exactly is happening with the investors who purchase mobile home parks.

This report discusses a specific mobile home park investing guru who continues to sell others on the dream of owning mobile home parks. Though as I share in my write up, many times owning a mobile home park can turn into a nightmare.

Plus, I talk about what’s to come for mobile home park owners in the future and why they should be worried. I share how and why their income as mobile home park owners can affect their bottom line down the road.

And, I discuss why we as mobile home investors should be aware of what’s going on in the industry. Though, why we will not be as affected as mobile home park owners including the advantages of being a mobile home investor versus a mobile home park investor.

So if you’d like to learn more, check out the post and let me know what you think. 🙂

Happy investing!

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