Book Review: NOT Your How-To Guide to Real Estate Investing

(Note: Recently, I’ve had a lot of folks contact me asking what the difference between some of Lonnie’s as well as other mobile home investing materials out there and which one I’d recommend the most. So, I’ve decided to go ahead and start a new series of posts – book reviews.)
So I recently had a chance to read my good friend Ali Boone’s new book on real estate investing. For those of you unfamiliar with Ali, she’s a longtime writer for the BiggerPockets Blog. And she’s been investing in real estate for quite some time.
As a reader, I’ve always enjoyed Ali’s blog posts regarding her advice and experiences as a real estate investor. What I enjoy about Ali’s writing is that it’s entertaining yet educational and fun…all at the same time. And that is what I found in this book.
What is this book about?
Basically, the book is all about mindset. As the title states, it’s not your average “how-to guide” on real estate investing. Most books on the topic are. And that’s the entire point of the book.
It’s not enough to learn and know the “how-to” of a particular niche as a real estate investor. It’s the “why” that matters. The “why” is what will eventually make you become a successful real estate investor. It’s what will get you through the good times and the bad times. And that is the whole point of the book.
Ali’s book is very similar to my own book on the subject and the message I was trying to get across. Because it’s not easy to be a successful real estate investor. Real estate gurus make it seem like it is but it really isn’t the case at all.
Once you’ve figured out your “why,” Ali talks about the different niches in real estate investing and how to go about and choose one…that works for you. She doesen’t try to sell you on a particular niche or way to do things as a real estate investor. Ali simply lays out the options and leaves it up to you to choose your own path.
What I Liked About the Book
This book lays out what real estate investing and what being a real estate investor is all about. It’s not what you think it is when you see or hear real estate gurus talk. What you see out there on videos and social media from these so called “real estate gurus” is completely different than what it’s really like to be a real estate investor. And be successful at it.
What I like about Ali’s book is that she teaches, not preaches. She simply lays out her experience as a real estate investor by telling you her story and how she got to where she is today.
Then, she takes it a step further to teach you how you can also be a successful real estate investor and the steps you need to take…before you even start. Though, she doesen’t focus on a particular method or niche. She simply starts out with the importance of having the right mindset beforehand. Then, she goes into the different niches in real estate investing and how to go about choosing one that works for you.
And that is what this book is all about. It’s about having options and working slow. Not fast. Taking baby steps in order to find out what works for you and reach your goals as a real estate investor.
It’s not about risking everything including your time and money. It’s not about working 80 hours a week as a real estate investor. It’s not about spending your life savings on the deal of a lifetime in order to make it as a real estate investor. It’s not about that. It’s not a race.
You need to go at your own pace. And find out what works for you…yourself. In order to get to your overall goals and live the type of life you want. That’s best for you. And your situation.
Who is this book for?
If you’re just starting out as a real estate investor or if you’ve been investing in real estate for a while but not getting the results you want, then this book is for you. Check out what Ali has to say about the book:
There are many books on real estate investing out there. And many of them focus on a particular niche and way to invest in real estate. Then, they go on to try to convince you to invest in that particular style and way of investing. But honestly, is it right for you?
The answer is that you won’t know until you have the right mindset. And that is exactly what this book is all about. Without knowing your “why” and keeping it in mind as you progress as a real estate investor, you won’t succeed.
Having the right mindset will help you to see what’s important…to you. And in your own life. It’s not about working hard. It’s about working smart. In order to get to your goals. And live the type of life that’s best for you.
So what are you waiting for? Check out this book today. And let me know what you think. I’d love to hear your thoughts!
I hope you enjoyed reading this book review. With the high amount of requests for my opinions on these, it’s something that I’ve decided to start doing from time to time.
Happy investing!