Stories and adventures about my experience investing in mobile homes.
In a prior post, I went over different financial calculators which is a necessary tool needed in the world of mobile home investing. Personally, I use the HP 10B II. I like the long vertical shape as opposed to the HP 12C, which is more of a horizontal shape. Plus, it’s less pricey than the…
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In the world of mobile home investing, a financial calculator is one tool you will definitely need. When you sell a mobile home on owner financing, you will need to calculate the monthly payment for the end buyer – a financial calculator will help you do this. In addition, it will also help you to…
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Which financial calculator do you use? I use a regular, good old fashioned calculator. Definitely an HP 10B II. Calculator? I write everything on paper. I prefer the HP 12C. The Texas Instruments BA II. I do not use a calculator. All my calculations are done in my head! Still trying to figure out which…
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