Category: how to buy a mobile home

Stories and adventures about my experience investing in mobile homes.

Podcast Episode #85: Online Marketing & Content Creation for Mobile Home Investors

Brady Winder is a content marketing specialist, website building specialist, and podcaster for the real estate investing industry. In this episode, we talk about all things online marketing and content creation to generate leads as a mobile home investor. Brady Winder is the Content Marketing Specialist and Podcaster for With a website building and…
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Podcast Episode #60: My Latest Five-Figure Deal (Mobile Home Investing)

Welcome back! In this episode, I talk about my latest five-figure deal for my own mobile home investing business. (Note: Be sure to check out the podcast page which I’ve updated to show you where you can subscribe to the podcast. Thanks!) So let’s get started with the sixtieth episode of the podcast: Episode 60 – My Latest…
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Behind the Scenes: My Latest Five-Figure Deal

Happy Friday! So, guess what? I closed on my latest five-figure deal. Hooray!! And, I wrote about the entire process from beginning to end as a case study to share with you the behind-the-scenes of what I do and exactly how I do it. Plus, I tell you some other things in the write-up that…
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Driving for Dollars: Tips & Tricks (Part 3)

Continuing on with the last post in this series of driving for dollars which focused on buying criteria and how to identify mobile homes to buy as a mobile home investor, I put together a new article about how to filter the leads that you get and how to prioritize them. Now in my write-up,…
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Driving for Dollars: Tips & Tricks (Part 2)

To continue with the last post I did about driving for dollars which focused on lead generation, I put together a new article which covers buying criteria when it comes to driving for dollars and how to identify potential homes to buy as a mobile home investor. Though generating leads are important, you have to…
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