Category: how to find mobile home leads

Stories and adventures about my experience investing in mobile homes.

(Expert Interview) Marketing Strategies for Mobile Home Investors

Happy Friday! So I just released another expert interview with Adrian Smude (, a mobile home investor and author, where we talk all about marketing strategies for mobile home investors: In this expert interview, you’ll learn the ins and outs of when it comes to marketing strategies for mobile home investors and lead generation. You’ll…
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Podcast Episode #85: Online Marketing & Content Creation for Mobile Home Investors

Brady Winder is a content marketing specialist, website building specialist, and podcaster for the real estate investing industry. In this episode, we talk about all things online marketing and content creation to generate leads as a mobile home investor. Brady Winder is the Content Marketing Specialist and Podcaster for With a website building and…
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(Video Training) How to Find Mobile Home Leads

Happy Friday! So I recently did a video training class on how I find mobile home leads for my own mobile home investing business and how you can too: In the class, I share with you my exact approach on how exactly I find leads for my own mobile home investing in the past, present…
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