Investing 101: How to Run Your Mobile Home Investing Business with the COVID-19 Outbreak

With the recent COVID-19 outbreak, it has become more of a challenge for me to get out in the field. Unfortunately, its put a damper on things with the day-to-day operation of my mobile home investing business. Recently, I had to cancel a meeting with one of my contractors due to the situation. It’s getting very scary out there.
Good thing he finished up with the most recent job for one of my mobile home fix ups. Though, I’m still in the process of filling another home. To be honest, I just haven’t found the right family for it. And I definitely don’t want to put the wrong people in it. So it’s still vacant. And due to the outbreak, I cancelled my showing this past weekend.
Other than that, I’ve been getting notice after notice from parks regarding the recent COVID-19 outbreak. Unfortunately, this is going to affect all aspects of life and all industries including manufactured housing. The supply chain for manufactured housing has been a topic of debate along with the cancellation of the Tunica Manufactured Home Show and the MHI Congress & Expo.
How Should You Run Your Mobile Home Investing Business Among the COVID-19 Outbreak?
The answer is with caution.
Be very careful. Don’t mess with this virus. It’s very serious.
Should you feel the need to go out, follow the CDC protocol for prevention. This means practicing social distancing, washing your hands frequently, and not touching your face (which is pretty hard!) or your mouth when you’re out. Additionally, you’ll have to sanitize the areas that you touch. This includes your car doors, steering wheel, shift gear stick, and anything else you touch in your car. Personally, I carry baby wipes and hand sanitizer in the car.
Looking At Homes
Regarding looking at new homes to buy, I am holding off for now. Until I get more information on the seriousness of COVID-19 in my local area, I am not visiting sellers and looking at homes. Honestly, I’ve got my plate full with other projects. So it’s not a big deal for me.
If you can, I’d advise you do the same. Until you get more information about your local area and the seriousness of the virus. Especially if it has spread (which it has in several large cities) in the community where you live.
Getting sick isn’t going to help your mobile home investing activities. Yourself. Or your family.
Filling Homes
If you have homes to fill (as I do), you need to proceed with caution. Again, check with your local area to see the seriousness of the virus. If it has spread in the community, you may want to hold off on showing your homes.
An alternative method is to post pictures through an online ad (such as craigslist). Though it’s not the same as showing the homes in person. This is my preferred method of filling homes as it gives me the opportunity to meet and read people face-to-face.
If you do feel the need to show your homes in person, again practice social distancing and follow the CDC guidelines for prevention.
Fixing Up Homes and Working with Contractors
If you’re fixing up homes and working with contractors, it’s best to do this on a one-on-one basis. Don’t do this in a group setting as it’ll increase your chances of getting something should someone have it.
Again, you want to practice social distancing and follow the CDC guidelines for prevention. Just be aware of what you’re doing when you go out and meet people on a regular basis.
Talking to Park Managers and Owners
Regarding my relationships with park managers and owners during this time, many of them are working remotely. Of course this will depend on the community and the seriousness of the virus in their area.
For now, any communication is done via phone or email. A quick call or email can help strengthen your relationship with park managers and owners. Even if it’s just to see how they’re doing and/or discussing the COVID-19 outbreak on a local basis.
These are just a few things you can do to run your mobile home investing among the COVID-19 outbreak. More than ever, it’s very important to be cautious and aware of what you do. Know your surroundings and keep up to date on the local news in your area.
Be careful when you go out. Follow the CDC guidelines for prevention and practice social distancing at all times. It’s not worth it to get sick. Especially with an unknown disease with no current vaccine.
Coronavirus Facts
And if you’re interested, here’s an interesting video I watched about the origins of the coronavirus:
Unfortunately this is an ongoing issue we’re going to have to deal with unless we can figure out a way to ban “wet markets” where the coronavirus (and others) have originated around the world.
How has COVID-19 affected your mobile home investing business? I’m interested in hearing about it. Definitely let me know. Stay safe!