Some people have asked me about using Craigslist to find buyers and sellers for mobile homes.
Overall, I think Craigslist is a great website with good intentions. Though, it’s one of those things you have to be careful with – buyer beware. Craigslist does not monitor their postings – they leave it up to the community to do that. So, you have to be extra cautious when using it – I’ve heard both good and bad experiences people have had with craigslist.
Personally, I think Craigslist is hit or miss – there are buyers and sellers there for mobile homes. However, you have to learn how to screen people and figure out if they are a good fit to work with. On the seller end, I’ve done one deal with a seller off craigslist. For buyers, I’ve never found a buyer through craigslist but it has been a source of constant leads.
I use Craigslist on and off. However, my main source of leads is still through my network – mostly people who know me like the park managers, my contractors, and the dealers.
The mobile home business is a people business – most of my time is out there talking to people and that’s how I find most of my deals. It involves a lot of driving around and knowing the area – it really is a local business.
One Response
I respect your opinion but feel craigslist is a HUGE opportunity. We have sold plenty of homes using CL but like you said its only a tool and you need to learn how to use it properly. Like much of the technology and life in general there will always be "scamers" out there, we must teach each other how to recognize them and focus on the 98% of the "good" people out there.
Good Selling,
Infinty Management Group
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