Stories and adventures about my experience investing in mobile homes.
Welcome back! In this episode, I share my latest expert interview with Adrian Smude (, a mobile home investor and author, where we talk all about marketing strategies for mobile home investors. (Note: Be sure to check out the podcast page which I’ve updated to show you where you can subscribe to the podcast. Thanks!) So let’s…
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Brady Winder is a content marketing specialist, website building specialist, and podcaster for the real estate investing industry. In this episode, we talk about all things online marketing and content creation to generate leads as a mobile home investor. Brady Winder is the Content Marketing Specialist and Podcaster for With a website building and…
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Ready to get more leads and close your next deal? One of the questions I’ve been getting a lot lately has been on the topic of online marketing and content creation to generate more leads as a mobile home investor. Whether you’re looking for seller, buyer, or tenant leads for your own mobile home investing…
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Sharon Vornholt is a podcaster and real estate investor specializing in probates as a lead-generation strategy. In this episode, we talk about all things probates as a lead-generation strategy for mobile home investors. Sharon Vornholt is the host of the Let’s Talk Real Estate Investing podcast. Her work can be found at and…
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When it comes to finding and marketing for mobile home deals, a lot of people seem to get hung up on the issue. It’s understandable. As a beginner, you may not know where to start. There are so many methods out there. But how do you know which one works best for you? (Note: Just…
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One of the questions I get the most, “Does direct mail really work?” And my answer to that question: it depends. On the person. In theory, direct mail does work. But you have to be consistent. And patient. In advertising, it takes about 5-7 times to reach a person before they buy from you. Whether…
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Some people have asked me about using Craigslist to find buyers and sellers for mobile homes. Overall, I think Craigslist is a great website with good intentions. Though, it’s one of those things you have to be careful with – buyer beware. Craigslist does not monitor their postings – they leave it up to the…
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