Investing 101: You Get What You Pay For

Stories and adventures about my experience investing in mobile homes.

Investing 101: You Get What You Pay For

“You get what you pay for.”

We’ve all heard this saying. But, what does it really mean? Do you really get what you pay for?

Check out the video to find out, thanks for watching!

(Note: This video was inspired by a conversation I had with my pal Shae. Enjoy!)


Video Link

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(Disclosure: Some posts may contain affiliate links.)

4 Responses

  1. Shae says:

    It’s always funny when someone is trying to get rid of problem properties and then tells you how easy and profitable it will be for YOU as a buyer. LOL!

    • I definitely hear ya, Shae! 🙂 It’s crazy as we hear stories from others who say it’s best to go where the problems are when it comes to real estate investing.

      And, you know what? This is exactly what I did. A fellow investor gave me the advice to go to the parks where they do a lot of evictions as there are problems there and the homes are cheap. This investor specialized in these types of low end parks. And, he was successful.

      Though, the thing is – I didn’t see that working in low end parks would affect me psychologically. The thing is, my standards are a bit higher than those of low end parks. For me, trying to attract higher end clientele in a low end park just didn’t work. It was a disaster and important lesson learned.

      (I guess I should have got the hint when I found out these parks’ standards were a bit lower than mine!!)

      In any case, the good thing was that I was able to get rid of my inventory in these low end parks as there are always others who are looking at this end of the spectrum.

      Glad you enjoyed the story and gave you a laugh! 🙂

  2. Jo Amick says:

    This made my day, coming across this funny blog post! Thanks for sharing..

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