Upcoming Events: BiggerPockets Real Estate Investing Summit 2012
(Note: From time to time, I like to inform you of any upcoming events you may want to check out that may help you and your business. Personally, I like to keep my eye on the radar for events that can help me in my professional life as well as my personal one.)
In the spirit of the New Year, I’d like to inform you all of an upcoming event you may want to check out – The BiggerPockets Real Estate Investing Summit 2012, which takes place on March 23-24 in Denver, Colorado.
For me personally, I’ve found BiggerPockets to be a great resource and source of information for many real estate investors no matter what level of experience. Founder and CEO, Joshua Dorkin, truly has a unique vision to provide a resource for real estate investors to network and get the help they need with their business without the hype and the up-sell.
(Note: For those of you who missed it, you may want to check out my resource review on BiggerPockets I did awhile back).
Regarding the event itself, there will be a wide range of topics covered including mobile home investing. Feel free to check out this link to the Conference Agenda with the topics and speakers covered.
(Note: Unfortunately, I will not be able to make the event due to schedule conflicts. Though, I’d definitely like to hear the experiences of others who do decide to attend!)
Apart from the information gained from the topics and speakers covered, I’d say the real value in attending any conference is through networking and the people you meet. And, I will say – there will be real investors here with real life experiences you may want to meet and network with.
(Note: One word about the more experienced investors – you’ll usually find them to be very low key and most times in the back of the room. The most successful people I’ve met have been the most humblest and the quietest folks who usually like to do more observing than talking. When I first started out, I always wondered why. Now, since I’m more experienced – I’m also the same way!)
Whether you’re looking to gain more information and/or network with other real estate investors, this conference will have something for everyone. To say the least, you may find some folks in your area doing what you want to do. Or, perhaps you may find someone willing to help you if you’re looking for private money for your deals. Maybe even find someone to joint venture on deals with. No matter the case, this event will only help broaden your horizons.
Now, as a special treat for you all – BiggerPockets Founder and CEO, Joshua Dorkin, (who by the way has been one of my earliest supporters and blogging pals since I started writing this blog), has arranged a special discount just for readers of my blog from the regular price.
(Note: This is a very generous discount Joshua has graciously offered for such a highly valued event. When I first started out, I remember paying upwards of $500+ per ticket for real estate conferences. And, did I attend a lot!)
In any case, I hope you take the time to check this conference out. For more information, you can check out the official website. And, even if you decide not to attend or cannot due to your schedule – I hope you can help spread the word!
Thanks for taking the time to read this post. Happy investing!
p.s. Feel free to leave comments on any post either here and/or my Facebook Page. Comments are always welcome, thanks for reading!
2 Responses
interesting.. sounds like a good weekend.
How did this event end up doing? I would like to know when the next real estate event is for Phoenix. Please let me know. Thank you
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