Category: tip of the week

Stories and adventures about my experience investing in mobile homes.

(Mobile Home Investing) Rent to Own vs Lease Options

Happy Friday! In my latest post (via the support page), I talk about the difference between “rent to own” versus “lease options” when selling homes for your mobile home investing business. There’s a debate among investors (which I share with you) about which method to use and what the differences are between them when they’re…
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Mobile Home Investing 101: Tip of the Week

(Note: From time to time, I’ll post up mobile home investing tips to help with your mobile home investing endeavors). Central Air Conditioning (A/C) Vs. Window Air Conditioning (A/C) Units Most of the mobile homes I’ve encountered (but not all) have all had central a/c units – a big luxury for any mobile homeowner. Though,…
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