(Mobile Home Investing) Rent to Own vs Lease Options

Happy Friday!
In my latest post (via the support page), I talk about the difference between “rent to own” versus “lease options” when selling homes for your mobile home investing business.
There’s a debate among investors (which I share with you) about which method to use and what the differences are between them when they’re used to offer up mobile homes to end buyers. I talk about the pros and cons of each one of them including which method I recommend and why.
Also, I talk about how I structure my own deals when selling homes to end buyers and share with you resources on how to do the same. I tell you what to be careful about when structuring these types of deals and how you need to present it.
Plus, I tell you about a state where it’s very difficult and challenging to offer up homes via using both rent to own and lease option methods due to the types of laws in place. Unfortunately, these methods cannot be used in every single state and will depend on your area.
So if you’d like to learn more, check out the post and let me know what you think! 🙂
Happy investing!