Tag: how to make money with mobile homes

Stories and adventures about my experience investing in mobile homes.

(Video Commentary) Market Insight and Latest Update (September 2024)

Happy Friday! So I just released a new video commentary with my market insight and latest update on the real estate industry and how it affects mobile home investors including the behind the scenes of what I’ve been doing for my own mobile home investing business and other projects I’m working on: In this 1-hour…
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Podcast Episode #73: Video Commentary – Market Insight & Latest Update (September 2023)

Welcome back! In this episode, I talk about my new video commentary with my market insight and latest update on the real estate industry and how it affects mobile home investors including the behind the scenes of what I’ve been doing for my own mobile home investing business and other projects I’m working on. (Note:…
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(Video Training) How to Talk to Mobile Home Park Managers

Happy Friday! So I recently did a video training class on how I talk to mobile home park managers for my own mobile home investing business and how you can too: In the class, I share my exact approach and process on how I talk to mobile home park managers and introduce myself on the…
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Podcast Episode #52: Happy 2 Year Anniversary! (Mobile Home Investing Podcast)

Welcome back! In this episode, I talk about the 2 year anniversary of the mobile home investing podcast, what it means, and my plans moving forward. (Note: Be sure to check out the podcast page which I’ve updated to show you where you can subscribe to the podcast. Thanks!) So let’s get started with the fifty-second episode…
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Podcast Episode #49: How to Protest Taxes – Mobile Home Investing

Welcome back! In this week’s episode, I talk about a video training class I recently did on how I protest taxes for my own mobile home investing business and how you can too. (Note: Be sure to check out the podcast page which I’ve updated to show you where you can subscribe to the podcast. Thanks!) So…
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(Video Training) How to Protest Taxes: Mobile Home Investing

Happy Friday! So I recently did a video training class on how I protest taxes for my own mobile home investing business and how you can too: In the class, I talk about my story on how I learned to protest taxes on the mobile homes that I own including the process and why I…
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(Scam Alert) Mobile Home Investing Guru: Case Update

So I recently did a write up on a case update for a scam alert I shared on a while back on a mobile home investing guru. (Note: Just in case you missed it, be sure to check out the video commentary I did on the subject. Thanks for tuning in!) Since the scam alert…
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Resource: Mobile Home News

Happy Friday! So I made a new post (via the support page) about a couple of resources that I personally use to get my mobile home news. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of information that’s suppressed when it comes to the mainstream media including including other real estate investing sites and forums. A lot of times,…
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(Mobile Home Investing) Rent to Own vs Lease Options

Happy Friday! In my latest post (via the support page), I talk about the difference between “rent to own” versus “lease options” when selling homes for your mobile home investing business. There’s a debate among investors (which I share with you) about which method to use and what the differences are between them when they’re…
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Investment Opportunity: Mobile Home Leads Source

Recently, an investor in my network told me about a lot of mobile home leads he’s been receiving lately. At this time, he’s not pursuing mobile homes and would like to pass on these opportunities. Since I’m not looking for any projects right now, I thought I’d pass it along. For more details, please see…
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