(Video Training) How to Talk to Mobile Home Park Managers

Happy Friday!
So I recently did a video training class on how I talk to mobile home park managers for my own mobile home investing business and how you can too:

In the class, I share my exact approach and process on how I talk to mobile home park managers and introduce myself on the first visit. I talk about how to approach park managers and build relationships with them as a mobile home investor without sounding like a threat.
Plus, I go over my exact script including what I say and how I say it when I talk to mobile home park managers for the first time. And, I share with you my dos and don’ts on what I recommend so that you don’t make the same mistakes that I did.
I tell you what other mobile home investors do wrong when they approach park managers and how to avoid these mistakes yourself. I share with you what’s important for park managers and owners when deciding whether or not to do business with mobile home investors and why.
Honestly, building relationships with park managers and owners is one of the hardest hurdles to overcome in the mobile home investing business which is why I created this video training class. So you can see and hear exactly what I do and how I do it when talking and creating rapport with mobile home park managers and owners.
So if you’re interested in learning more, check out the video training class.
Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for watching! 🙂