Taking a Break…
Hi Everyone!
Hope you’re doing well. As for me, it’s been crazy as usual. Which leads me to the point of this post…I’m taking a break.
I’m getting off social media, putting this blog on hiatus and getting back to why I started to write in the first place: to tell great stories.
Honestly, I haven’t been much of a writer lately. I’ve lost my ability to focus. Why?
I’ve been doing things for other people. But not for myself. And this has caused a lot of stress in my personal life.
Spending more time on social media online than with my own family isn’t a good thing. Something has to give.
(Note: I write more about my personal life and the challenges I overcame as a real estate investor here. Thanks for reading!)
One of the disadvantages of having an online presence is the noise. People want and ask you to go in different directions. And things get confusing.
Don’t get me wrong. I’ve made a lot of great relationships through social media and connected with so many interesting people (including you!).
But at the end of the day, it’s about living the kind of life I want to live. And doing it with the people I love most: my family.
I’m shifting my focus…to books. I’ll continue to write about my stories and adventures in mobile home investing (as well as real estate). Only in a different medium.
If you’d like to be updated on things, be sure you’ve signed up for my newsletter. And you can also follow me on Amazon to be informed of the latest book releases.
(Note: I’ll continue to send updates and write about my latest happenings in the newsletter. Thanks for being a loyal subscriber!)
As for social media, I won’t be on…at all. It’s just too much noise.
(Note: My videos are gone. Though, you can find my articles and interviews still around the web.)
Right now, I’m studying to be a better writer. Currently reading this and learning about creative nonfiction.
I’m trying to learn my craft. And get good. So I can be a better storyteller.
Running a full-time real estate investing business, writing books and a blog, and engaging in social media has taken a toll. On myself. And with my family.
After a decade of writing a blog (yes, it’s been that long!), it’s time for a change.
I’m putting pen to paper and going full force by telling my stories in book format.
Hope you come along for the ride. 🙂
Thanks so much for your support and understanding!