Update: Rat House, Podcast, and Exciting Stuff

Happy Friday! So, I’ve got a new update for you. There’s a lot going on lately. And I thought I’d share it with you!
I’m continuing to work on the “rat house, ” the podcast, and the new course I mentioned in the last update. Though, I’ve got some exciting news on a new project I’m working on. Here goes!
Rat House
In my last update, I talked about the “rat house” and the work I’ve been doing to fix it up. Well, I’m still working on it. As mentioned, the next stage is drywall work.
Drywall Repair Work
Since there were rats in the home, they chewed through a lot of drywall. And made holes all through the house. It was a mess!
So after doing the subfloor repair work, the next step was to tackle the drywall. I interviewed a few contractors for the job who specialize specifically on drywall repair and replacement work. And picked the one I felt most comfortable working with.
(Note: I didn’t bring in my handyman contractor for the job. Though he’s good at repairing and fixing stuff for the mobile homes I have on the market, drywall work isn’t his strength. So, I’ve had to bring in specialists for this type of work.)
One thing about contractors: You can either hire them to do the job by providing the materials and the labor. Or, you can hire them to do the labor only. And you buy the materials from your local hardware supply store which I’ve done before at Lowe’s.
Personally, I do it both ways depending on the project. So, it’s really up to you. For this job, I decided to have the contractor provide both the materials and do the labor.
So, it took a few days to get the work done since there were a lot of holes throughout the home. But the contractor finished up the job. And I was satisfied with the work. Here’s some pictures:

(Note: If you remember, there was water damage in the utility room due to the rats chewing through the pipes for the washing machine.)


(Note: There’s still work to be done in the kitchen. Once I figure out cabinet replacement and where the new cabinets will go, I’ll be doing more drywall work to make the walls smooth and even before priming and painting.)

As you can see, there were a lot of holes in the home due to the rats chewing through the drywall. They really are pests and pretty hard to deal with. Especially when they start multiplying.
This has definitely been a learning experience. I’ve never encountered this before. And it’s not the norm in the mobile home investing business, that’s for sure. So I’m hoping, this will be a one time thing. We’ll see!
As for the podcast, it’s coming along. I’ve gotten into a routine of writing, editing, and releasing episodes. I have so much to say which is why I started the podcast in the first place.
I hope you’re enjoying it. Here’s what one listener had to say:

Thanks so much Tim for that review. I really appreciate it!
If you’ve enjoyed the podcast, I’d love to hear your thoughts through a short review. It really helps to support the show and keeps me going to know that the podcast is helping others. Thanks so much!
Support the Show

Speaking of support, if you’ve enjoyed the podcast and want to support the show I’ve set up a way for you to do it. Any support that you can offer helps to keep me going both mentally and financially to come up with new episodes that have value for you as the listener.
Also, a portion of all proceeds from your support will go to my favorite charity: Habitat for Humanity. Please consider supporting the show. Thanks so much!
Guide to Highly Rated Real Estate Blogs
In other news, I’ve been included in the Guide to Highly Rated Real Estate Blogs on Wealthtender. Here’s what they had to say:

And, here’s what I have to say there about mobile home investing:

Special thanks to Wealthtender for including me. I’m honored to be part of the guide. Thanks for thinking of me!
Course Update
As for the new course that I’ve mentioned before, it’s coming along. I’m not going to say much about it except that it’s on a much needed subject in mobile home investing.
I’m really excited about it. And, I’m hoping to release it sometime in the early winter. All students of my current course will get a special discount to this new course.

And if you’re interested in getting started, please consider taking the take action training course. I’m going to start doing some LIVE group coaching calls quarterly (as my time permits) for all students. So, you definitely don’t want to miss out on that! Hope to see you there and in the special private forum.
Mobile Home Investing Guide
Just in case you missed it, I put together a new Guide to Mobile Home Investing. It details the history of mobile home investing as well as the different types of ways to invest in mobile homes. And it answers the question, “What is mobile home investing?”

Let me know what you think. Hope you enjoy it!
New Project
Lastly, I really wanted to share with you a new project that I’ve been working on. Unfortunately, I’m not able to do it at this time as it’s been delayed. Here’s what I had to say about it on twitter:

When I started writing this post, it was earlier in the week. Though, things have taken a turn (as many times they tend to do!). So, I’ll have to wait to share the new project with you. I’m hoping it’ll be up and available soon! 🙂
Wrapping It Up
That’s about it for now. As you can see, I’ve got a lot of projects on my plate.
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this site and reading (now listening) about my journey as a mobile home investor. My hope is that you find value in what I have to say. And what I have to teach. So, that you too can achieve the type of life you’ve always wanted.
If there’s anything mobile home related you need help with, definitely let me know.

Until next time, stay safe!
2 Responses
Great update! Congratulations on all the progress on so many fronts! And thanks for the shout out for Wealthtender. We love what you’re doing and enjoyed featuring you in our new guide to Real Estate blogs! Keep up the great work! – Brian, Founder of Wealthtender
Thanks Brian! I’m glad you enjoyed the update. And thanks again for the congrats and including me in the guide to Real Estate blogs. I really appreciate your support!
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