Update: Mobile Home Fix Up, Book Feature and Podcast Awards

Happy Friday! I thought I’d write up an update on what I’ve been up to lately. Are you ready? Here goes!
In my last update, I talked about my latest mobile home sale. Everything went smoothly with that home and the buyers are happy. So, I’m off starting on my next mobile home fix up!
By the way, if you’re interested in learning more about the different options available when selling mobile homes you may want to check out this video:
New Mobile Home Fix Up

So, I started working on a new mobile home fix up. And let me tell you, it’s been a learning lesson. That’s for sure!
With every new deal and mobile home that I fix up, I’m always learning something new. Here are a few items that I’ve worked on so far:
Plumbing Issues
Usually, there are always plumbing issues when fixing up and buying mobile homes. This one had a few. So, I spent entire day with my plumbing contractor going over the issues (and uncovering new ones!). Here’s what we found:

With the floor damaged, we had to see where the leak was coming from. So, we removed the access panel to the shower/tub (on the other side) and also the drywall above to access the issue:

With the access panel and drywall removed, now we could assess the problem. My plumber had me run the water on the tub first. Though, he couldn’t find a leak in the bottom area.
So, he had me run the shower. And guess what?
We found a leak coming from the top where the connection to the water for the shower was running:

I asked my plumber, “Could that leak and drip cause all that water damage?”
And my plumber told me, “Yes, over time especially if the people who used to live here didn’t do anything about it.”
And that was that. So, he got his plumber tape and glue to fix the leak:

Next, we checked the hot water heater:

Luckily, we didn’t find any leaks.
Then, we went around the home to test out the water (hot and cold) and to see if there were any other leaks. We did find an issue with one of the toilets:

As you can see, these are custom toilets. The contraption inside the tank would have to be special ordered, if needing replacement.
The problem with the toilet was that it kept running water when the shut-off valve was on. Luckily, my plumber cleaned up the area where the flapper sat (which had a lot of calcium build up) and it seemed to fix the problem:

Next, we found that the shut-off valves underneath the kitchen and one of the bathrooms needed to be replaced (as they would not shut-off the water):

So, the old shut-off valves had to be replaced with new ones:

My plumbing contractor left the sinks disconnected as I have a countertop guy who will be replacing the old countertops with new ones. Once they’re all replaced, then I’ll call up my plumber again to re-connect the sinks.
Other than that, we had to install a new hose bib outside as the old one was nowhere to be found (surprise, surprise!):

So, my plumber got to work and installed the new hose bib:

And that was it for the plumbing issues that we found. I tell you, plumbing is always a constant in the mobile home investing business. There’s always some issue to fix. So, it’s always good to have a good, reliable plumber you can count on when problems come up.
Now that the plumbing has been fixed, I can move on and work on the rest of the home. 🙂
Book Feature
Other than my latest mobile home fix up, I was also featured in a new book:

Here I’m featured for my story and expertise on mobile home investing. Definitely check it out!
And just in case you missed it, here’s the interview I did with Nick Loper (the author) on his podcast The Side Hustle Show (which has received over 15 million downloads):
Show notes in the interview, can be found here:
Episode Show Notes: Mobile Home Investing – $10k a Month in Positive Cash Flow
Hope you enjoy it!
Speaking Gig
Also, I’ve got a speaking gig coming up. I’ll be speaking at the #FinCon21 Money & Media Expo with some of the biggest names in Personal Finance on the internet:

I’ll be talking about how to turn your blog into a podcast and how to establish authority as a podcaster. With so many podcasts out there, you’ll learn how to stand out and position yourself among the rest.
See you there!
Podcast Awards
Lastly, I want to thank everyone who’s voted for me for the podcast award I’m up for. Voting has closed. Though, there’s one award you can still vote on which is the People’s Choice Award:

If you’ve enjoyed the podcast and my content, please consider nominating me. Thanks so much for your support! 🙂
Wrapping It Up
So, that’s what I’ve been up to lately. It’s been pretty busy as usual!
Right now, I’ve got a lot on my plate. So, I’ll probably be back sometime next month (September) with new podcast episodes.
I’m going to leave you here with a really funny SNL skit I recently watched with some of my favorite comedians (including Kate McKinnon and Awkwafina):
Hope it gives you a good chuckle. I continue to enjoy watching SNL in my downtime. Laughter is good medicine! 🙂
And, if you have any mobile home investing related questions feel free to contact me.
Enjoy the weekend!